Walking My Own Miles

Saw this pop up in my Twitter feed over the weekend and I simply had to reblog it!


Such a lovely idea, and really not dependant on it being a Bank Holiday Weekend.

During the week I bimble about on the local lanes with a dog or two, pretending that I’m trying to get fitter for my longer weekend excursions.  (I should rephrase that – I really am trying to get fitter, there’s no pretending there, but my progress seems negligible sometimes!).  However the route rarely varies, and the scenery mostly stays the same.  It can get more than a little boring.

English: Beer cans and bottles.

Last weekend was mostly spent walking around a 3-day music festival, carrying a daypack full of beer, anti-bac handwipes and hand sanitizer (for the portaloos!).  So this week I’m back plodding the local lanes, trying to walk off the beer and planning in my head where I’d like to explore next.  To help relieve the boredom I can now keep my eyes open for a few of the items that the Two Blondes have on their ‘Walk Your Own Mile’ list, and maybe even add a few items of my own.

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